Packaging carpentry

carpenteria metallica angolari

Angular Cover

Used for transports or shipments inside wooden crates, the angular covers, in steel or aluminium, are essential to avoid any king of damage for the heavier goods during the lifting phase with ropes of the packages. Used at the bottom and on the lid of each box, which are the most effort and pressure points, these metal profiles are great protective reinforcements.

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carpenteria metallica staffe base dx sx

Base Clamps Right-Left

More specifically we have right-left base clamps to apply in the lower part of the wooden crates. These anchors and support joints are constitutive of a medium packaging and of its contents, capable of ensuring the integrity in case of shock, vibration, rolling, lifting guaranteeing its harness and safety.

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ferri, barre, piastre carpenteria metallica

U profiles, Bars, Plates and laminations

To secure every shipment you need to consider even those that might seem insignificant details: who works in the shipping and packaging industry knows the importance of filling the voids inside the boxes for the stabilization of the goods and for shock mitigation; rather than to reinforce the edges or the extremities of the crates to avoid damage during transport.

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packing list

Packing List

The Packing List is an important tool for managing all the typical warehouse activities, moreover national and international shipments: the preparation and compilation of all documents and forms needed for every freight transport enables the reduction of the physical and information flow, and therefore an accurate planning of the service.

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sportello di ispezione imballaggi

Doors and Grills

An inspection door, window or hatch is necessary to control inside the box or packaging: considering, for example, the routine inspections. Le griglie di aerazione, invece, vengono impiegate quando la specifica dell’imballo richiede un riciclo di aria interno allo scopo di ostacolare la formazione di condensa e di umidità.

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strutture metalliche per imballaggi

Metal Structures

FLEXPACK is also engaged in the supply of customized metal structures with specific packaging and transport requirements including beams, sections and steel beams of different types and sizes (Hea, Heb).

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